Sunday, February 27, 2005

Caffeine Symptoms

Although there are many report lately saying that Coffee Anti-Oxidant is good for the heart.

But my own research finding is that coffe is not good for the heart.

In the mid 80's I do drink Jasmine, Ti Kuan Yin Tea occassionally decaf coffee. Then in late 80's, I have notice that my left hand is not stable when I raise my arm. I then went to consult a doctor who then refer me to the specialist. After examination, I am told that my heart energy is not too good. Ned to go for observations & injections every week.

Then after 2 month, I tell myself.. I cannot goes on like these, I must go for alternative medical treatment. as I know that the western medicine although is good but is is poisoness. So I found a Guru who after romote sensing told me that to cut of Fats & Tea & Coffee & follow by some herbals Tea that the Guru prescribed. After taking about 5 packets of these herbs. I am fully recovered.

Therefore, I don't recommend anyone to drink coffee for the Great Health.

Too much caffeine can cause a variety of symptoms, as can caffeine withdrawal
Those of us who drink coffee know about caffeine and its effects on our bodies. Tea and hot chocolate have less caffeine but are not completely free of it. Here is a quick run-down the symptoms you will experience if you cut out drinking caffeinated drinks, and also the symptoms of excessive caffeine intake.

Withdrawal Symptoms
Caffeine withdrawal symptoms can begin as soon 12 hours after stopping your intake. They are at their worst after 24-48 hours, and can last for up to a week.

* Irritable
* Restless
* Muscle stiffness
* Difficulty concentrating
* Headaches, moderate to severe
* Chills and/or hot spells

Excess Caffeine
3 cups of coffee is considered an average or moderate dose, but 10 cups of coffee per day is considered excessive.

* Jitteriness
* Difficulty sleeping
* Headaches
* Anxiety
* Flushed face
* Nausea
* Accelerated heartbeat

If you are trying to cut down on your caffeine consumption, you can avoid some of the symptoms by doing it slowly. Cutting back by a half cup per day is a recommended pace. If you find yourself needing a cup of something try decaf or experiment with herbal teas.
Caffeine Symptoms - Printer Friendly

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