There is not much juice in this fruit. So I still see that the marketeer's they are promoting is mainly for the commercial reason for themself.
I hope that people should be more knowledgeable on these fruit & herbs before they make the decision in buying these Vitamins or AntiOxidants drinks.
Don't let your money flash down to your toilet!!
Celebs whet appetite for latest juice craze
Douglas Dalby
IT has taken Hollywood by storm and it’s coming soon to a supermarket shelf near you.
When it comes to fruit juices, health-obsessed celebrities have been queuing up to endorse the humble pomegranate as the new cranberry. Laurence Fishburne, Cameron Diaz, Calista Flockhart, Kim Cattrall and Heidi Klum, the supermodel, are avid devotees of the new must-have drink.
Fruit juices are no longer marketed on the basis of their thirst-quenching features and pomegranate is no different. The emphasis is on taste and the high level of antioxidants, which help to lower cholesterol levels.
The juice has been on sale in America since 2002 and from 2003 in Britain, where the Pomegreat brand produced by RJA Foods, a start-up company founded by its managing director Adam Pritchard, enjoys a virtual monopoly. Pritchard, 31, hit on the idea for producing pomegranate juice during a trip through India and Pakistan.
His near-exclusive run at the British market is likely to end following the announcement that POM Wonderful, a large American concern, is set to arrive. It is unclear if it will follow Pomegreat to Ireland.
In what will be something of a departure for Robert Roberts, the coffee distributor will be pioneering the new product in stores across Ireland from next month.
“It is an unusual one for us in one way, I suppose,” said Gavin Divilly, Robert Roberts’s marketing manager. “But we felt Pomegreat had so much potential that we were proactive in approaching the company and securing the contract. We are always looking for something new and promising: this is one product that certainly fits the bill.”
RJA Foods sources, produces and imports its pomegranate juice from Iran, which has the machinery to separate the juice from the seeds. One of the world’s oldest fruits, it is believed that the forbidden fruit of Adam and Eve fame was a pomegranate rather than an apple. Pomegreat now sells more than 180,000 litres a month through the British supermarkets.
Celebs whet appetite for latest juice craze - Sunday Times - Times Online
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