Thursday, November 25, 2004

Chocolate ingredient counters coughs

This is a New finding for Chocolate. In Chinese Herbs finding, chocolate is considered as "Yang" character, so if the cough is due to "Ying" then taking Chocolate is to nutralize it..

Chocolate ingredient counters coughs
23/11/2004 - Health benefits of chocolate continue to grow with UK researchers isolating an ingredient present in this popular foodstuff that could help stop persistent coughs.

The team of researchers discovered that theobromine, a derivative found in cocoa, is nearly a third more effective in stopping persistent coughs when compared with codeine, currently considered the best cough medicine.

"While persistent coughing is not necessarily harmful it can have a major impact on quality of life, and this discovery could be a huge step forward in treating this problem," said Professor Peter Barnes, at the Imperial College London and Royal Brompton Hospital, and one of the paper's authors.

Chocolate has recently been in the media spotlight with findings that naturally occurring flavonols, found in cocoa, may improve blood vessel function, believed to be an important indicator of cardiovascular health. The caffeine contained in chocolate is also thought by some to benefit heart health.

For this very small study researchers gave 10 healthy volunteers theobromine, a placebo or codeine at different times in a randomised double blind trial. Read More...

Chocolate ingredient counters coughs

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